The Ask:  Create a Super Bowl Sized Campaign


Carvana made waves when they first introduced their unique method of car shopping.  This method gave buyers peace of mind through competitive pricing and price transparency.  Today, more than half of American car buyers are interested in buying a car online, but Carvana isn’t seeing the pros of this shift.

The Problem:

While Carvana offers competitive edges, they don’t offer the most important one, test driving.  

Test Driving Matters:

  • Over half of consumers listed being able to physically see and assess the car as their main concern when shopping online.
  • 77% of car buyers said that they wanted the chance to test drive a car before making the purchase official.

How can Carvana ease shoppers’ minds around test driving the way they eased minds around pricing when they first opened?

The Realization:

On the lot, there’s something, or someone, standing between a car buyer and a test drive... a salesman, everyone’s nightmare. 

While most shoppers go to the car lot knowing exactly what they want and how much they want to spend, they still feel like they need back-up, a team of defense against pushy tactics.

Someone who:

  • can speak warranty lingo
  • knows car jargon
  • won’t get talked into additional purchases
  • makes them feel confident about their decision

The Insight:

On the car lot your knowledge doesn’t protect you, your confidence does.

The Opportunity:

Shift the focus from not being able to test drive a car to not having to deal with a salesperson.

The Strategy:

Test drive confidence. 

The Campaign 

A campaign that personifies the team you assemble for car buying confidence.

A lawyer, hype man, engineer, bodyguard, and your dad.

But, with Carvana, you don’t need a team of defense.  You just need you and your computer.

OOH that focuses on the hoops you don’t have to jump through with Carvana.

So, what happens to your team of experts once you’ve switched to Carvana?

Don’t worry, Carvana is determined to make sure they find their next assignments through social posts letting everyone know these free agents are excited to get back into the game.

Finally, we wanted to make sure car buyers associated Carvana with confidence.

What’s something famous for making people feel confident? 

Smelling good.

So we released a perfume, Je Ne Sais Car, by Carvana.

We wanted to make this seem   as luxurious and outrageous as the other perfume ads we’re used to.

How we got here: 
First, I worked with my strategy partner to do a competitive anaylisis, 4Cs, and consumer behavior research. Then, I listened to podcasts and radio shows giving tips and tricks for car buying.  I watched YouTube videos on how to avoid being scammed by a car salesperson. Finally, I did some social listening on platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook for candid conversations around car buying. 
Kate Coleman (ST)
Jo Rozycki (ST)
Lindsey Evans (AD)
Joelle Mitchell (AD)
Kate Luse (CW)
Cameron Sharer (CW)